Sunday, January 24, 2010

how holiday was over and i will back to real life

Okay, I postponed IVED daily report; and I know it wasn't daily reports, bear it. I will post as soon as I studied the standings which I had just got. I was too busy being the committee putting the debate aside. I even had to stay at the lodging for one day! That really surprised me, as I have never been stay at one place accidentally without preparation. I am not one kind of person which doing something until late and then decided to stay at the place. I prefer going home even if it already midnight.

Just want to let you guys, my lovely readers, my holiday finally over and tomorrow I will back into real life. It was fun, I got to know many things new from new books, a photography club, a debate competition in which made me interested in debating again, animes, fansubbing, bunch of new knowledge, and even a new OS! I am using Ubuntu right now! I'll tell you later what I have been through just to get it working.

Thanks to everything and to everyone which and whom involved in my holiday. It was a really wonderful experience which gave me new spirit to my life. My life here I come!


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