Title : Bincho-tan
Media : Anime
Genre : Slice of life story, melancholy
Length : 12 episodes
Bincho-tan, living alone in the midst of the forest, living her life by collecting foods from the woods and work in the city to earn money. The story was about her life and her friends around her which shows how one person struggle to life and at the same time giving what best for others.
The story advances as Bincho-tan meet her friends one by one. Chiku-tan, the lively-girl, and her sister Chiku-rin; Ren-tan, the spiritual-girl; Kunugi-tan, the rich-girl, and Aroe the swimmer-girl. Bincho-tan interacts with her friend as the story progress, each with different topics.
Bincho-tan and Chiku-tan met when they were searching for jobs at the city. Then they involved in raising a dog found in the forest. Bincho-tan met Kunugi-tan when she was working at the school where Kunugi-tan goes to. Kunugi-tan broke Bincho-tan's scarf because she accidentally step her foot on it. Kunugi-tan offered to give money so Bincho-tan could buy another scarf. Bincho-tan said no because it was an inheritance from her grandmother. Kunugi-tan who live in luxury impressed with Bincho-tan's life and so they became friends. Bincho-tan knew Renku-tan and Aroe from what they do. Ren-tan is a miko (priestess), and Bincho-tan knew she as that and didn't interact more less than with Kunugi-tan and Ren-tan. Same thing also happen between Bincho-tan and Aroe.
Being life alone since her grand mother left her, Bincho-tan had been lonely. As the story goes, Bincho-tan became more happier that she has more friends than before.
My thoughts
Although all Bincho-tan's friends going out with Bincho-tan, they all still have separate life. The story emphasizes more Bincho-tan's life where she had to struggle to life by herself. The story advances slowly revealing how Bincho-tan's went through her life each day. Her friends were her spice for her life. They brighten Bincho-tan's life and made her happier. As I must add to the slowly-advancing-story, it is also full of melancholy-not sad-story and a bit of humour. Bincho-tan was really struggling to life, yet still she act kindly and spend time with her friends. Bincho-tan is part of the society who has to struggle to life and want to experience the more prosperous society.
- beautifully drawn environment
- good character development
- nice moral lessons - one is respect your surrounding
- matching background music, try to hear only the sound without watching it and tell me what you feel.
- well done story telling, i love how the story advances slowly revealing more about Bincho-tan and of course I love how it ended (which where you can be moved by).
- cannot be enjoyed by everyone
- too slow for some people
- you can think some scene as stupid things
final verdict : good
The anime has a well done story telling which match the big topic about the main character's life.
I recommend this anime for those who can enjoy melancholy-drama-story, you'll like Bincho-tan's adventure.
more info
fansite (and where to download the anime ;D)
Wikipedia page